Books Recommender

Books Recommender >Envy


1. The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life

-- Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander

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Read the book if you are experiencing the following symptoms or challenges:

1. Limiting beliefs
2. Creativity and innovation
3. Embracing change
4. Fulfillment and purpose

Main Highlights / Features of the Book:

1. Teaches a positive outlook, seeing opportunities in every situation.
2. Encourages being true to oneself and expressing individuality.
3. Offers hands-on activities to shift perspectives, enhance creativity, and build resilience.
4. Emphasizes the importance of building meaningful relationships and collaborating for collective .

2. The Comparison Cure: How to Be Less 'Them' and More You

-- Lucy Sheridan

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Read the book if you are experiencing the following symptoms or challenges:

1. Comparison trap
2. Low self-esteem
3. Insecurity
4. Lack of self-acceptance

Main Highlights / Features of the Book:

1. Provides strategies to break free from the harmful habit of constantly comparing oneself to others, promoting self-acceptance and self-worth.
2. Offers guidance on building genuine self-confidence and recognizing one's unique s and qualities, fostering a positive self-image.
3. Encourages readers to embrace their true selves, letting go of the need to conform to societal expectations, and celebrating their individuality.
4. Emphasizes the importance of self-compassion, teaching readers to be kinder to themselves, let go of self-judgment, and embrace self-love as the foundation for personal and happiness.

3. The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life

-- Shawn Achor

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Read the book if you are experiencing the following symptoms or challenges:

1. Wanting to shift from negativity to a positive mindset.
2. Seeking to improve overall well-being and happiness.
3. Striving for professional success through positive psychology.
4. Desiring stronger relationships and social connections.

Main Highlights / Features of the Book:

1. Grounded in scientific research and studies on positive psychology and the connection between happiness and success.
2. Offers actionable techniques and exercises that readers can implement to cultivate a positive mindset and enhance their well-being.
3. Incorporates engaging anecdotes and stories to illustrate the concepts and make them relatable.
4. Explores how happiness impacts work, relationships, and personal , making it applicable to different areas of life.

4. The Jealousy Workbook: Exercises and Insights for Managing Open Relationships

-- Kathy Labriola

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Read the book if you are experiencing the following symptoms or challenges:

1. Exploring or engaged in open relationships.
2. Struggling with jealousy in relationships.
3. Seeking tools for effective communication in open relationships.
4. Desire for personal growth and self-awareness within open relationships.

Main Highlights / Features of the Book:

1. Provides specific exercises and insights designed to help individuals in open or non-monogamous relationships navigate and manage jealousy effectively.
2. Offers practical exercises that enable readers to understand, address, and transform their experience of jealousy in a proactive and constructive manner.
3. Provides tools and techniques for improving communication skills within open relationships, helping partners express their emotions and address jealousy in healthy and productive ways.
4. Readers have the opportunity to develop self-awareness, cultivate emotional resilience, and foster personal within the context of open relationships.